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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Lesson In What It Takes To Change

Change Your Behavior, Change Your Life

Author: Janet Daughtry

James Rohn once said, "Unless you change how you are, you
will always have what you've got." Well said. It is true
that perspective is everything. One person sees obstacles
and another sees opportunities. It really does matter how
you see or view things. Even the Apostle Paul admonishes
us to be renewed or "made over" by renewing our minds.

I couldn't help but marvel at a recent documentary I saw
on the life of Nick Vukicic. Nick is a young man with no
arms and no legs. He was born that way. In this
documentary, he is swimming in a pool, speaking before
huge audiences as a motivational speaker and totally
engaged in life. Talk about perspective and a healthy
belief system!

Your unique perspective and the way you "do life" comes
from what you think about the most and what you really
believe. Sometimes we wonder why we do the things that we
do and a better question is what do I really believe?
Your behavior is simply a reflection of your deepest

It is difficult to act outside of what you believe for
any length of time. It's almost impossible. Your behavior
is just following your mental orders. Your brain just
gives out what it is programmed to do. That is why it is
so important what we listen to and what we take in and
accept as truth. Your brain can only work with the
information that it has been given. So if toxicity is
what it is heard, received and taken in, then toxicity is
what comes out. Junk in, junk out! That's why it is so
important who you hang out with and associate with. If
you have negative and toxic people in your life, you may
want to consider distancing yourself from them or maybe
letting go of the relationship altogether!

For example, Susie was told growing up that she wasn't
very smart. She heard the negative message enough that
she believed it, and as a result Susie didn't apply
herself academically. Eventually, she dropped out of
school. Her beliefs simply told her how to view herself.
Those beliefs colored her thoughts, affected her emotions
and eventually her behavior. It's amazing the power of
words! Unless Susie begins to challenge the mental tapes
and self-talk in a new direction, she will always be
affected by the negative message she has believed.

So to re-quote James Rohn, unless we change what we
really believe and the way we think, we will always have
what we've got. You can't afford to be passive with your
thinking and have a changed life! You can't afford to
live with an unchallenged belief system and live a
changed life. Thinking the way you have always thought
and believing what you have always believed will most
likely give you the results you have always had! The most
fulfilled and successful people are those who challenge
themselves with tough questions, examine their own belief
systems and make the effort to aggressively rid
themselves of toxic thinking.

Article Source:

About the Author:

Janet Daughtry, CBC, MDIV, is a certified Christian life coach helping women unlock their potential and accomplish their dreams. Visit her website at

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